[Redis] Redis Monitoring - 모니터링 툴 소개



# Monitoring


Redis Process Running

  • redis process : Right binary daemon proces running.
  • uptime : We want to make sure the service is not respawning all the time.


System Metrics

  • Load : An all-in_one performance metric. A high load will lead to performance degradation.
  • CPU usage : High CPU usage is not a bad thing as long as you don't reach the limit.
  • Memory usage : RAM usage depends on how many keys and values we keep in memory. Redis should fit in memory with plenty of room to spare for the OS.
  • Swap usage : Swap is for emergencies only. Don’t swap. A bit of RAM is always in use, but if that grows, it’s an indicator for performance degradation.
  • Network bandwidth : Traffic is related to the number of connections and the size of those requests. Used for for troubleshooting but not for alerting.
  • Disk usage : Make sure you always have free spcae for new data, logs, temporary files, snapshot or backups.


Monitoring Redis Performance

  • latency : Average time it takes Redis to respond to a query.
  • used_memory : Memory used by the Redis server. If it exceeds physical memory, system will start swapping causing severe performance degradation. You can configure a limit with Redis maxmemory setting.
  • evicted_keys : Number of keys removed due to reaching maxmemory. Too many evicted keys means that new requests need to wait for an empty space before being stored in memory. When that happens, latency wii increase.


Monitoring Redis Errors

  • rejected_connections : Number of connections rejected due to hitting maxclient limit.
  • keyspace_misses : Number os failed lookups of keys.
  • master_link_down_since_seconds : Time that the link between master and slave was down.





## Tools



Redis-stat is a simple Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby. (https://github.com/junegunn/redis-stat)






Redmon is a simply Ruby dashboard based on the Sinatra framework.(https://github.com/steelThread/redmon/blob/master/README.md)






RedisLive is a monitoring dashboard written in Python and Torando.




# 정리

redis-stat이 가장 최근 업데이트고, 인스턴스마다 구별되어 모니터링이 가능하기에 가장 적합할 것으로 보인다.





